Lesbian Daughter Raped By Her Own Father to Show that She Needs Men in Her Life!

A lesbian is a female homosexual, it is a female who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females. After every incident of rape or any other kind of sexual assault, people take no time in judging the victim for her clothes, her behavior, her sexuality, and her choice of staying out late.

In a horrific incident, a 54-year-old resident of Coventry, England raped his 16-year-old lesbian daughter when she revealed her sexual identity to him. The rapist wanted to show the girl that intimate intercourse is better with men.

The judge presiding over the case in the Warwick Crown Court told the defendant the victim’s evidence “made harrowing listening”. The court also found out that he also abused his two others daughters as well across two decades.

He pleaded ‘not guilty’ to all the nine charges held against him but Judge Andrew Lockhart QC of the Warwick Crown Court sentenced him to 21 years in prison. The judge said.

“As a 16-year-old girl she realized she was gay and, struggling with her identity as many people do at that age, she decided to tell you,”

“You reacted by showing real and uncontrolled anger, and you decided to rape her to show her why it would be better to have an intercourse with men than women. Her evidence made harrowing listening.”

“That rape involved degradation and humiliation. The offence demonstrated your hostility towards her as a lesbian.”

He was also ordered to serve an additional five years in jail and to register as a s3x offender for the rest of his life.

Source: Chismix

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