She Noticed a Strange Shape After Doing it with Her Boyfriend and It almost Took Her Life!

Making love is the ultimate form of expression in a relationship. There are ways to make love without having sexual intercourse while sharing emotional intimacy. In relationships we require connections on many levels. 

But we don’t know that while enjoying making love to our partner there are some certain things happen, just like this girl who noticed something on her abdomen after making love. 

A girl Ellie Taylor-Davis, a 28-year-old freelance writer based in Islington, London, felt an unusual mass in her lower abdomen while having sex with her boyfriend 3 years ago. After feeling the same exact sensation while using the restroom, she decided to look up her symptoms. The search led her to believe that the discomfort was caused by constipation.

Around a month later, Ellie was visiting her OBGYN for a routine procedure to have a contraceptive coil fitted, but the doctor found a large mass inside her.  After testing negative on a pregnancy test, Ellie received an emergency ultrasound which revealed a 16 cm malignant tumor on her ovary which had been crushing her internal organs.

“I was so shocked by how huge it was, I’m only a small person,” Ellie said, according to The Mirror. “I’m 5ft 2 and a size six, so to have a 16cm mass the size of a baby inside of me and not know what it was really shocking.”

Luckily, surgeons were able to remove the mass and since it was discovered early enough the cancer had not spread to other parts of her body through her lymph nodes.

Source: Lifebuzz

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